03/23/11 – Another […sigh…] Tale

03/23/11 – Another […sigh…] Tale
By Fountain Pen

Waiting for Godot[1]
And time moves so slow[2]
Looking at the phone to ring
Knowing it will never sing[3] 

Spitting on the fire[4]
Face turns red hot
Toes hang off the spire
Hole like a black spot
Fear; for moving niggard
Guts in hand like a shot coward[5]
Praying for a hope monger
Miser Life preys on me
Apathetic social care
Speaking in Braille[6]
And heavy burden to bare[7]
Death breath stale
‘I die, Yorick, [8]
And my tale is unsung.’[9]
Medication for the sick
My throat in noose wrung (dry)
(Fountain) Pen to paper[10]
Makes it better (somewhat)
Metaphoric reality
And prayers for secrecy[11]
Dismal skeletal smile[12]
Taste of life is vile
“Is it time?” with a grin.
“No.” Death says to my chagrin
Face in palms; whimper, whimper


[1] Samuel Beckett – Waiting For Godot – Gogo and Didi wait for someone/something that does not ever come.
[2] The Cure – “In Your House” (1980) “The hours I take/Go so slow”
[3] T. S. Eliot “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1917) “I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each./ I do not think that they will sing to me.”
[4] The Cure “Siamese Twins” (1982) “Laughing into the fire/Is it always like this?”
[5] J.D. Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 14 Holden pretends to get shot in the gut.
[6] The Fall on Deaf Ears “Do You Speak Braille?”(1996) Anthem of misunderstood youth: “16 going on 21”  Laura Beard & Sarah Reiser died in an auto accident in 1997 at the age of 19.
[7] The burden of the living is to remember the dead.
[8] William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Act V Scene I:- Hamlet brings Yorick back to life by remembering him and remembering a memory of them together.  Hamlet speaks to Yorick’s skull as if he is still alive, “Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?”
[9] William Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act V Scene II. – Hamlet is dying.  Talks to his best friend, Horatio, asking him to tell his tale to give Hamlet eternal life.
[10] William Shakespeare Sonnet 100 – Writer’s fear that he might be forgotten.
[11] The Cure – Disintegration (1989)
[12] http://skulladay.blogspot.com/2007/08/72-papercraft-skull-with-articulated.html

About A. Alex Cano

A. Alex Cano is a suicide prevention counselor for Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services in Los Angeles, CA, Certified in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Field Advocate for American Foundation For Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and a member of American Association of Suicidology (AAS). Alex has had suicidal ideation for about 20 years and is surviving. He is determined to stop the stigma of suicide and question, persuade and refer (QPR) those in crisis.
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